The 5 Best WhatsApp Games for Couples

2 min readSep 24, 2022


If you and your partner are looking for a fun way to connect and spend some quality time together, look no further than WhatsApp games! These five games are perfect for couples who want to laugh, learn more about each other, and have some fun competition.

1. Word Ladder: This game is similar to the classic game of Scrabble, but with a twist. To start, each player comes up with a list of five words. Once both lists are complete, players take turns making a new word using the last letter of the previous word. The goal is to make as many words as possible in two minutes. The player with the most words at the end of the two minutes wins!

2. 20 Questions: This game is perfect for couples who want to learn more about each other. To start, one player thinks of a person, place, or thing and the other player has 20 questions to guess what it is. After each question, the player who asked the question must give a one-word hint about the answer. For example, if the answer is “Tom Cruise”, the hint might be “actor”. The first player to guess correctly wins!

3. Dare or Truth: This game is perfect for couples who are looking for a little bit of competition. To start, each player writes down 10 dares or truths on separate pieces of paper. Once both lists are complete, players take turns choosing one from their opponent’s list and either completing the dare or answering the truth. The first player to complete all 10 dares or truths wins!

4. Who Am I?: This game is perfect for couples who want to laugh and have some fun competition. To start, each player writes down the name of a famous person on a piece of paper and sticks it to their forehead without looking at it. Once both players have a name on their forehead, they take turns asking yes or no questions about the person they are trying to guess. The first player to guess correctly wins!

5. Memory Test: This game is perfect for couples who want to test their memory skills. To start, each player looks at a list of 15 random objects for 30 seconds and then has to recall as many items from the list as possible without looking at it again. The player who recalls the most items from the list wins!


These five WhatsApp games are perfect for couples who want to connect with each other and have some fun competition. So try out one (or all!) of these games next time you’re looking for something fun to do together.

